Our Lives in the 90s
The 90’s was pretty great. Seriously, we had it good! Technology wasn’t quite the pinnacle it is today, but the music was great, the fashion was iconic, and all those toys that an entirely new generation are discovering for the first time? Yeah, we owned that.
But, in all honesty, there was a lot to appreciate about the 90’s. We’re going to be recapping some of the best parts of the era, just so you can see for yourself what made it such a great time.
The Music
The music was a core part of the 90’s and for good reason. 90’s music has that supreme, retro vibe that’s so popular nowadays, and a lot of great bands and groups spring up during the decade.
The Spice Girls, TLC, Blur, Oasis, Four Star Mary and a bunch of other great bands all held centre stage during this period - the latter of which is known for Buffy the Vampire Slayer fame.
There’s something refreshingly nostalgic about this music because it came in many different forms, but there’s a great energy to it regardless of where you turn. It fits the youthful, charming exuberance that the 90’s is so often linked to in modern media.
The Fashion
Fashion will always be a big part of the 90’s, as it saw some incredibly brave choices! These looks were always recognisable and while they haven’t all aged as well as you’d like, they’re still a fun part of history.
The baggy denim, halter tops, chainmail tops, and stain slip dresses are some of the trademarks of the 90’s. They were iconic then, and most are still fun to try on every now and then in the modern day. However, nobody could deny that the 90’s was pretty ambitious in the fashion department.
The Toys
The 90’s were a great period marked with a lot of fun and unique toys, which was nice. This was the decade when Nintendo and Sega started to really get big, and their rivalry was historic. Sonic and Mario would take a few more years to put aside their differences and go to the Olympics together!
However, the 90’s had its fair share of toys that are still remembered fondly to this day. The Tamagotchi, Polly Pocket and Beanie Babies were all big hits. They definitely influenced a generation, that’s for sure.
Final Thoughts
So, to wrap all this up, it’s clear that the 90’s aren’t a time that will get forgotten too soon. You’d be hard pressed to find a generation which has been so lovingly remembered, whether it was for the bold fashion statements or the rise of great names and bands. To be honest, in a lot of ways, it was a beautiful time - the embodiment of the classic summer movie about a bunch of happy-go-lucky teens. That’s how the world chooses to remember the 90’s, and to be honest, that’s pretty cool. So, in the immortal words of the Truman Show:
“In case I don’t see you, good afternoon, good evening and goodnight”.